Thursday, March 10, 2011

For these photos i focused on texture again, but this time there is more of a variety of textures between the lot of them.  the camera was set to macro and the photos came out crisp and detailed.


  1. I like the different angles you captured, getting different perspectives of the objects which adds more depth. I also like how you have a variety of different objects with different textures. Even on the last one, you perfectly captured the folds and creases of paper. I think you should expand more on the textures of clothes.

  2. I reaalllllyyy like this series. I love the close-up aspect of it and that you can really get a feel of the textures in the photograph. I also really like the shine captured on the hair.

  3. All the textures you show in this series are unique. I love the really colorful ones because you get a sense of what they are but the up close ones are amazing because it gives a sense of mystery to it. Great job

  4. I really like your photo of the plant. The angle that you took the photo from and the texture and the brightness of the color are amazing! Great work!

  5. I think that the close up idea was really good, i especially like the two pictures that are so zoomed in that you cannot tell what they are. The bubbling grey substance is very mysterious and cool, as well as a little scary looking, which is awesome!

  6. I love how many different surfaces you found. They are all clear and different from another. I also like how you kept color in this series, it helped make the series stand out all together.

  7. great new draft. your series is getting stronger. it still needs to be sharper, which a tripod will provide. also, watch your backgrounds. some textures, though strong, fight a bit with the edges for attention.

  8. You did a great job capturing texture in these photos. The only think I could see improvement on is the clearness of the images. The picture of the hair is a bit blurry and out of focus and that makes it a little bit hard to see the texture of it.
